My camera is working now, so here are some pictures of my moving day and my apartment.

I just love my little car!

My camera is working now, so here are some pictures of my moving day and my apartment.
August 31 I moved out of my parents and into an apartment downtown Salt Lake. It is in the most awesome location!! I have two roommates, Jessica and Mercedes, which are the best I could ask for. Jessica (22) has her own room and I don't see her much because she works 2 jobs. Mercedes (19) I see much more of since we share a room. She works part time and goes to LDS Business College. She will be graduating in December and plans to go to the University of Utah.
My classes started in August and I have the full load of 16 credits while working 26 hours. I can tell already it is going to be a very tough semester.
I am sorry, but I don't have any pictures this time because my camera is dead. But my father finally gave in and bought a digital camera of his own. Here are some pictures of Jonathon and him doing their favorite activity together - shooting!