Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pioneer Day Shooting

This Pioneer day, our family, along with my uncle Eric and aunt Laura, went shooting at our favorite spot, West of Utah Lake.  It isn't hard for my father to come up with an excuse to go shooting.  It was also a perfect chance to give Dave the ultimate boyfriend test - a shooting trip with my family.

This was the first time my Aunt Laura ever shot anything.  She did great.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Degn Family Reunion Part II

The rest of the 4th of July week was filled with even more family fun.  

When the Degn brothers get together, they somehow find an excuse to go shooting.  So that is what we did one of the days.

The highlight of the shooting trip was the .50 caliber sniper.  It was awesome.

.50 caliber bullet - it is huge

On another day, we all went camping together up in Heber.

We had dutch oven cooking,

roasted marshmallows,

and played games.

Also, the girls made "girly" bracelets,

and the boys made "manly" cord bracelets.

The reunion ended that Sunday with my cousin Clayton's mission farewell. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Degn Family Reunion Part I - 4th of July

Last week the most of my father's siblings along with there families came together for a week long reunion.  The first day of the reunion was the 4th of July festivities at my grandmother's house.  The 4th of July celebrations included:

a BBQ,

snow cones,

a bouncy house,

football (500),

and, of course, fireworks!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Catherine Degn, CPA

It is official - I am a CPA!  My CPA license came in the mail yesterday, which made for a very exciting day.  It only took 5 1/2 years of school (masters degree), 1 year of experience, and passing the worst test in the world, the CPA exam, (refer to post Done with the Tests) to have this piece of paper.

Friday, July 01, 2011

5 Years Old!

Guess who's blog just turned 5-years-old?  Mine!  True Degns has now been around for 5 years!  In that 5 years, I have blogged a total of 225 posts.  Wow!

Guess which post has the most hits - The Thing We Blow Dry.