Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

My parents hosted Thanksgiving this year for my mom's side of the family.  We enjoyed the wonderful company of my uncle Eric's family (including his wife's nephew) and my uncle Rob's family. 

We feasted on scrumptious food. 

And Jasen ended up spending some quality time with the couch.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to Seattle

While I was in New York, my father had a week long business conference in Seattle.  My mother took the opportunity to join his trip to Seattle, so while my father sat through long meetings, my mother toured the town visiting museums and site seeing.

Chihuly Glass Museum

On one of the nights, my parents saw Wicked for their very first time, and of course they loved it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Graves at Sleepy Hollow

The highlight of my business trip to Tarrytown, New York was the visit my co-worker and I paid to the Sleepy Hollow cemetery.  The church at the cemetery and the cemetery itself are so full of history.  Both Washington Irving (writer of the "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow") and Andrew Carnegie (a famous American businessman) are buried here.  But what put me in absolute awe was all the grave sites of the veterans that fought in the revolutionary war.  Here I was standing in front of grave sites of people who were not only alive during the American revolution, but fought and gave up so much to make our country.  I was moved with emotion that even though these veterans' weather worn grave stones are now covered with moss, discolorations, and cracks, their graves are honored with American flags and plaques commemorating their service. 

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Super Storm Sandy

Last week a co-worker and I traveled to Tarrytown, New York to audit a company.  We just so happen to be there when the super storm Sandy hit New York.  The strong winds cause many trees to fall and power outages.  Luckily, my hotel's power stay on!  Sick of watching news reports all day, my co-worker and I decided to create our own news report on the storm.  Check out our video.