On Labor Day my dad called me up and asked if I wanted to go on a road trip with him to Ephraim, Utah (which is 2 hours away) to buy some rabbits from the biggest New Zealand White rabbit farm in Utah! Of course I said yes. Who would miss this chance to see the biggest rabbit farm in Utah (Not counting my mother and brother who both claimed to have other things to do)? Ever since my dad started his rabbit hobby, he has wanted to see this place.

My dad selected 2 rabbits to take home.

These were the lucky 2
You dad is cracking me up!
Rabbits for fertilizer not the grill?! ;)
Rabbits for fertilizer not the grill?! ;)
Rabbits for fertilizer not the grill?! ;)
Sorry about all comments, computer being stupid.
Now how many are you guys up to? I had another friend who insisted rabbit meat is yummy. I am taking a deep breath and trying to be brave. :) But because we ended up renting now, I think I've got a reprieve from getting rabbits for a few more months at least. I'm just hopeful that we'll have a house in time for you to help me set up my garden next year!
These rabbits are for breeding, so we won't be eating them. We now have 8 breeding rabbits.
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