My internship at PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) ended on the 12th. It was such a great experience that paid very well. Above is the picture of all the summer interns in the SLC office. SLC is a very small office compared to other offices. Denver, for example, had 15 summer interns, and I believe NYC had 200. Thus, 5 interns made us a very small, close intern group. But the most exciting thing about my internship was that I received a job offer! Woo Woot! I will be starting with them in the SLC office in either the summer or the fall of 2010. This allows me to get my last semester of my Masters degree done and hopefully, hopefully (fingers cross) pass all my CPA exams before I start. The nice thing about PwC is that they offer a nice bonus if you pass the CPA exam in the first year.
Hooray!!! Congrats! I knew you could do it!
Catherine, congrats!! Although I thought the job offer was old news? But what an accomplishment. And you're almost done with your masters! Girl, you amaze me. I'm glad the internship worked out so well.
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